- We are advocating ecology! - We use technology!
- Impose innovative materials!
- We are leading the way!
Since 1991, and for 33 consecutive years, the Expert Construction Contractor Mr. TZIKAS GEORGIOS, has offered his specialized services in the field of construction, namely:
WATERPROOFING: Basement - Resistant to positive and negative pressures up to 7 bar. Tanks and Pools.
INSULATIONS: Thermal facades. Thermal insulation and waterproofing of two-component terraces (MATERIALS AND FIBER) without the use of bitumen and tar. CARBONS: Concrete - iron corrosion restoration with polymer thixotropic material.
TILE & MARBLE LOCATION: We undertake construction, renovation of Hotel units and other buildings.
With the collaboration of experienced engineers (DESIGN) and architects (PHOTO REALISM). Constructions with building materials that are friendly to the environment of natural breathing and high performance, QUALITY WORK based on our specialization and guarantee our LIVING EXPERIENCE.
Doriton 24 - Vartholomio
Telephone: 2623042323
Mobile: 6944968786